
Dental Code

Current And Past Dental Terminology For D3357

Most common D3357 code reviews : Removal of fixed orthodontic appliances for reasons other than completion of treatment - not covered, Mesial/distal wedge procedure, single tooth (when not performed in conjunction with surgical procedures n the same sanatomical area) or Intravenous moderate (conscious) sedation analgesia - first 30 minutes.

D3357 Procedures:

Non-autogenous connective tissue graft procedure (including recipient surgical site and donor material) - each additional contiguous tooth, implant or edentulous tooth position in same graft site. Local anesthesia is usually considered a component part of periodontal procedures, but dependent upon the plan will allow up to 50% of D3357 - allow up to a maximum of 3 teeth per quadrant

D3357 Dental Code

This code is used to report evaluation of periodontal conditions, probing and charting, evaluation and recording of new or established patients` dental and medical history and general health assessment.With D3357 Patients showing signs or symptoms of periodontal disease and patients with risk factors such as smoking or diabetes would require comprehensive periodontal evaluation. This may also include evaluation and recording of dental caries, missing or unerupted teeth, restorations, occlusal relationships and oral cancer evaluation. This code should not be used along with a comprehensive oral evaluation (D3357) by the same dentist on the same visit.

2019 D3357 CDT

There is a succedaneous tooth #29 present on a radiograph, but it will be several years before it erupts Endodontic treatment is requested on tooth T in order to maintain this tooth and its space in the arch Treatment is performed on the tooth, and the canals are filled with a resorbable material. A temporary restoration is placed, and the patient is referred back to the referring dentist for a final restoration.

2025 (Updated) Version D3357

Re-cement or re-bond inlay, onlay, veneer or partial coverage restoration

Core build up, including pins when required - refers to building up of coronal structure when there is insufficient retention for a separate extracoronal restorative procedure. A core buildup is not a filler to eliminate any undercut, box form or concave irregularity in a preparation. The fees for buildups not required for retention are Disallowed.

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